Mass-Storage Structure & I/O System
Chapter 12 Mass-Storage Structure
hard disk drives(HDDs) and nonvolatile memory (NVM)
12.1-12.2 Disk Structure
Mapping between disk and blocks
Transfer rate: the rate at which data flow between the driver and the computer
The position time:
- seek time: the time for the disk to move the disk arm to the cylinder containing the desired sector.平均为移动1/2*(总磁道数)所需的时间
- rotational latency: the time for the desired sector to rotate to the disk head. 磁盘旋转半圈所需时间(depend on RPM)
- 外部传输速率:硬盘缓存cache(磁盘控制器中的I/O寄存器)与内存间的传输速率;
- 内部传输速率:磁头在盘片上读写数据速率,取决于
Position time
- Drive attached to computer via I/O bus, including
- IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics);
- SATA (Serial ATA ), 适用于PC 机、服务器
- SCSI (Small Computer System Interface),中、高端服务器和高档工作站中
- Fibre Channe (光纤通道),服务器、工作站
- USB接口
- Disk Controller
Interfaces between the computer system and the disk drive hardware.
- checksum
- bad sector remapping
12.4 Disk Scheduling
having a fast access time
and disk bandwidth
FCFS scheduling
SSTF scheduling Shortest-seek-time-first
SCAN scheduling SCAN是每一次都要到达最外圈/最内圈才转向,转向后继续扫描并读block
- C-SCAN schduling C-SCAN代表当走到最内圈以后迅速移到另一头的最外圈
LOOK LOOK是电梯调度算法,每一次方向都到达request中的最大值,然后立刻转向并继续扫描读block
- C-LOOK代表每一次到达request中的最大值后迅速移到另一头的request最小值开始继续按原方向扫描
- About preventing starvation in scheduling.
- About NVM scheduling Random access.
12.5 Disk Management
12.5.1 Disk formatting (格式化)
physical formatting: Dividing a disk into sectors that the disk controller can read and write. 划分硬盘的磁柱面、建立扇区、选择扇区间隔比
Logical formatting making a file system on the partitions.
- 格式化:将分区所有磁道扫描一遍,清除所有扇区内容,移除文件;扫描同时,检查磁盘是否有坏扇区;加载文件系统(exFAT、NTFS、FAT32)
- 快速格式化:清除FAT表内容,使系统认为盘上没有文件了,并不真正格式化全部硬盘。
To increase efficiency, most file systems group blocks into larger chunks, called clusters(簇)
12.5.2 Boot Block
bootstrap -> Boot Block -> 内核程序
The boot block initializes system
- the bootstrap is stored in ROM.
- bootstrap loader program.
12.5.3 Bad Blocks
12.3 Disk Attachment
Disks may be attached via one of two ways
- host attached via an I/O port talking to I/O busses, e.g. SCSI
- network attached via a network connection e.g. SAN, NAS, DAS
12.3.1 Network-Attached Storage(NAS)
- NFS and CIFS are common protocols
- Implemented via remote procedure calls (RPCs) between host and storage
- New iSCSI protocol uses IP network to carry the SCSI protocol
12.3.2 Storage Area network(SAN)
12.3.3 Direct Attached Storage(DAS)
12.5 RAID
- Def: A data storage method in which data, along with information used for error correction, such as parity bits or Hamming codes, is distributed among two or more hard disk drives in order to improve performance and reliability
- 特点:
- 可以存两个副本,用于防止数据丢失,增加可靠性;
- 将连续相关的数据放在相邻disk中,可以一并读取。
- RAID填补了CPU速度快与磁盘设备速度慢之间的间隙
12.6 Swap-Space Management
- Swap-space: a part of disk space used as an extension of main memory to implement virtual memory, as a raw partition
12.8 Stable-Storage Implementation
Write-ahead log:典型例子数据库的事务故障恢复log文件。 Step:
- Replicate information on more than one nonvolatile storage media with independent failure modes;
- Update information in a controlled manner to ensure that we can recover the stable data after any failure during data transfer or recovery.
Chapter 13 I/O System
including devices, device controllers, and I/O subsystem
13.1 I/O Hardware
- device controller registers:
- status register
- control register
- data-in register
- data-out register
reading and writing device registers are conducted by device drivers!!!
The processor control the device in 2 ways:
- direct I/O instructions
- memory-mapped I/O: (用访问内存的方式访问I/O设备)
- device-controller registers are mapped into address space of the CPU
- CPU executes I/O requests using the standard memory instructions to access controller registers
The main control modes for data tranfer between memory/CPU and devices are:
- polling
- interrupt
13.2 Application I/O Interface
Linux:driver放在内核空间中,其他:driver放在用户态中(微内核) 封装I/O system calls
- 应用接口通用性
- I/O 软件的设备独立性
I/O设备访问接口与文件读写类似:write(#device, block_address)
- 由CPU执行,完成对具体I/O操作的管理和控制功能;
- 将函数调用read、write与driver中的文件操作函数相匹配。
- Device driver向device controller的控制寄存器CSR设置读写命令和参数,controller据此完成具体I/O操作
Block devices and character-stream devices Block: read(), write(), seek(); stream: get(), put();
Network devices: socket
Blocking and Nonblocking I/O
- 阻塞I/O
- 非阻塞I/O
- 多线程
- 利用系统提供的非阻塞I/O系统调用
- 异步I/O系统调用:the process runs while I/O executes.
13.3 I/O subsystem
I/O subsystem consists of
- kernel I/O subsystem
- a component that conducts scheduling, buffering, cacheing, and spooling, error handlinig
- a general device-driver interface
- drivers for specific hardware devices
DST:设备开关表: 对外提供的接口
13.3.1 Kernel I/O subsystem
- Scheduling
- Buffering:
- To cope with I/O device’s speed mismatch with that of CPU memory access. (内部速率与外部速率不匹配)
- To cope with I/O device transfer size mismatch
used for Block device
Caching 目的:做备份,提高访问速度
Spooling 类似超线程,同时进行外围操作,使得从逻辑模拟出多台共享设备,实现由串行->并发,且无需信号量。 经典例子:打印机队列 在一个物理设备上模拟出多个逻辑设备。每一个进程共享虚拟设备的存储区 daemon:调度程序。
Error Handling Status register
I/O protection 通过系统调用间接使用I/O instruction