Lin, Xiaohan, et al. “A brain-inspired computational model for spatio-temporal information processing.” Neural Networks 143 (2021): 74-87.


  • Current method: Explicit feature extraction, which requires lots of labeled data.
  • Novel brain-inspired computational model:
    • Reservoir Decision-making Network (RDMN)
    • A reservoir model: projects complex spatio-temporal patterns into spatially separated neural representations via its recurrent dynamics. (regarded it as SVM)
    • A decision-making model: reads out neural representations via integrating information over time.
  • Tasks:
    • Looming pattern discrimination
    • Gait recognition
    • Event-based gait recognition

The model


  • Summary: A spatio-temporal pattern is first processed by the reservoir module and then read out by the decision-making module.

The decision-making model

Summary: The decision-making model consists of several competing neurons, with each of them representing one category(pattern). Each decision-making neuron receives inputs from the reservoir module and they compete with each other via mutual inhibition, with the winner reporting the recognition result.

  • The dynamics of the module:

    Eq.(3) describes the slow dynamics of the synaptic current due to the activity-dependent NMDA receptors.

  • Parameters:

    • $x_i$: synaptic inputs received by the $i$th neuron.
    • $r_i$: neural activities.
    • $s_i$: the synapic current due to NMDA receptors.
    • $J_E$: represents the excitatory interactions between neurons encoding the same category.
    • $J_M$: indicates mutual inhibition.
    • $I_i$: is the feedforward input from the reservoir module, whose form is optimized through learning.
  • The mechanism of decision-making

    • Three types of stationary state
      • LAS: Low active state, all neurons are at the same low-level activity
      • DMS: Decision-making state, in which one neuron is at high activity and the other at low activity.
      • EAS: Explosively active state, in which all neurons are at the same high-level activity. Apparently, only the parameter regime for DMS is suitable for decision-making. The optimal region is at the bifurcation boundary between LAS and DMS, which is called DM-boundary.

论文在后续对参数的选择进行了阐述,对于decision-making model而言,参数是固定的,也就是无需训练的,它的参数选择是人为选择的。一般是平衡了激活速度和准确率的中间平衡点作为参数选择。

The reservoir model

Summary: The reservoir module consists of several forwardly connected layers, with each layer having a large number of recurrently connected neurons.

  • Function The decision-making model is not enough for discriminating complex spatio-temporal patterns, but the reservoir model could map different spatio-temporal patterns into spatially separated neural activities, so that the decision-making module can read out them.

  • Structure of model

    • Consists of $L$ forwardly connected layers, and neurons in each layer are connected recurrently.
    • Only Layer 1 receives the external input.

Intergrate two model

  • The reservoir and decision-making modules are integrated via a linear read-out matrix to carry out a discrimination task, where the read-out matrix is optimized using known examples.
    • $W_{lj}^{dm,i}$ denotes the connection weight from neuron j in layer l of the reservoir network to neuron i in the decision-making module.
    • $I^*_0$ is the optimal feedforawrd input specified by the DM-boundary.
  • We optimize the read-out matrix Wdm by minimizing the error function E using backpropagation through time.

Model application

  • Looming pattern discrimination
  • Gait recognition
  • Event-based gait recognition A key characteristic of biological decision-making is its event-based nature, i.e., the neural system will automatically detect and recognize the presence of an input pattern. It saves the effort of signal detection.

Future work

RDMN model cannot explicitly encode order information. The order of a spatio-temporal pattern contains important cause–effect information and temporal correlations, which we humans actively exploit to discriminate spatio-temporal patterns. Thus, incorporating this prior knowledge into models should significantly improve the performance of spatio-temporal pattern discrimination tasks.